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Cor Winkler Prins ospite del podcast Midstage Startup Momentum

Cor Winkler Prins ospite del podcast Midstage Startup Momentum

Friday July 22nd, 2022

4me è lieta di annunciare che il CEO e fondatore Cor Winkler Prins appare nell'ultimo episodio di Midstage Startup Momentum Podcast. Il podcast settimanale è condotto dal coach di startup Roland Siebe...
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Confronta i migliori software di monitoraggio della rete in Europa

Confronta i migliori software di monitoraggio della rete in Europa

Monday March 22nd, 2021

Scopri come LogicMonitor, Datadog, SolarWinds, PRTG e altri vendor di punta si posizionano in questo report completo di G2, la più grande piattaforma di recensioni software B2B del mondo.
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Quattro cose da considerare prima di installare le applicazioni per il tracciamento dei contatti

Quattro cose da considerare prima di installare le applicazioni per il tracciamento dei contatti

Friday June 19th, 2020

L'attuale pandemia è uno di quegli scenari che possono mettere alla prova i valori fondamentali di una società. Per la maggior parte degli account, il coronavirus è un caso limite, l'eccezione alla re...
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About us

C. H. OSTFELD, founded in 1977 in Milan, Italy, is an Information Technology company that resells third party computer software products in Italy, Malta, Switzerland and the Vatican. Additionally the company also sells consultancy and technical support related to the software it resells. Its staff is highly qualified and has passed rigorous certification tests set down by our supplier partners.

Mobile Device Management is one of the mainstays of our offerings today.

As a result of our more than 40 years in business, C.H. OSTFELD has acquired knowledge that allows it to find and sell the most appropriate products that will address the ever evolving needs of our clients.

Our goal is to satisfy our customers and this has favored long lasting relationships that in some cases go back more than 20 years.

Making sure that our staff is well trained and possesses up to date knowledge of products and what the evolving computer software market both develops and requires, allows us to quickly address whatever need our clients submit to us. Keeping our staffs’ Certifications current is part of that M.O.

In the mid 1990’s Claude H. Ostfeld and our staff conceived, designed and developed a ZIP based data compression product. Its name is PentaZip. Its initial acceptance was excellent and shortly after its initial release, in 1999, it won the coveted “Premio Smau Industrial Design” (32nd edition for software).

During the following years PentaZip (and its more powerful version PentaSuite) were added to constantly.

PentaWare, located in Portsmouth, NH, USA, has looked after international distribution since 1999.

In addition to strong encryption, image viewing and other functions, the Penta products offer PDF creation and editing. Cloud based data files are also managed by the Penta products.Not bad for a product that continues to improve and progress.


The constantly evolving of the products and of the investments made to improve the quality of service are a guarantee for those companies that decided to use the C.H. Ostfeld expertise, among them we can mention:

  • Aesica Farmaceutica
  • Aeroporto di Orio al Serio – Sacbo
  • Alenia
  • Alpitour
  • Angelini Farmaceutica
  • Autostrada dei Fiori
  • Banca Barclays-Woolwich
  • Banca Carige
  • Banca d’Italia
  • Banca Popolare del Lazio
  • Bellely Energy
  • C.R.M.E. – NATO
  • Cassa Compensazione e Garanzia
  • Cedacri
  • Comune di Genova
  • Cirsa
  • Compagnia Generale Trattori
  • Coop Consorzio Nord Ovest
  • Davide Campari
  • F.lli Saclà
  • Fiditalia
  • Fondazione Enasarco
  • IBM
  • IFAD
  • Illycaffé
  • Intesa San Paolo
  • Itas Assicurazioni
  • Jacuzzi
  • Mediobanca Innovation Services
  • Miele
  • Opera Padre Pio
  • Phoenix Informatica
  • Poste Italiane
  • Pramerica
  • Rai
  • Rhiag
  • Rottapharm
  • Società Italiana per Condotte d’Acqua
  • Telecom Italia
  • Unicredit Leasing
  • Unione Della Bassa Romagna
  • Vortice
  • Trentino Trasporti Esercizio
  • Warner Music


C.H. Ostfeld Servizi S.r.l. Unipersonale – Viale Stelvio 70 – 20159 – Milan,
Tel. +39 02 6680 0303 Fax +39 02 6680 4501

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BMC FootPrints Service Core®
for technical support on all the distributed software

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If you are motivated, enterprising and with team spirit please send us your resume!


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